the mid-2020s and what it means for us: a cry for help

as of writing this, we are currently in the mid-2020s. the decade started off with near societal collapse due to the trump administration and their fascist incompetence in handling a virus that should have been prevented in months. when biden got elected in november, it was a major shock to conservatives. liberals thought things would go back to normal. the normal that was before trump got elected in 2016. but things didn't change. in fact it got worse. the democratic party was as incompetent as the republicans, who got more bloodthirsty and fascistic after the 2020 election. they didn't do much to protect the right for pregnant people to choose what they can do with their bodies, they didn't protect queer people from discrimination (that includes trans people as well), and they upheld the racist, classist, allocisheteronormative systems that were there when the founding father wrote the constitution. it was no different in so-called canada either. in 2022, fascists in their trucks drove across the country to ottawa to attempt a coup just like the trump supporters did a year earlier. it spooked the prime minister into sending the country into a state of emergency for a while. while there was some resistance to the fascist truck coup, the conservatives were starting to subscribe to their beliefs, mostly to gain more voters. this year (2025 as of writing this) is an election year for so-called canada and i am afraid. i am afraid that this settler colony of so-called canada would be run by a fascist oligarch just like in america, if not annexed by america first.
more to follow....

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